Design and Development

The design portion has to based upon the analysis because without that work, we are running blind like horses with blinders and no driver. This is where the theories of learning come to play and there is no reason to start from scratch on this front. Take a look at the theories and models section to get an idea of what we are discussing. No matter what model is chosen, this stage has to be done. However, in order to be effective a blueprint must be made to create the experience. Often times in budget model where excellence isn't required, the design and development steps can be done at the same time. There is no way the highest end product can be created in this fashion but depending on the talent, it can be done. For myself, I don't want to be involved with lesser quality projects so I will focus on the design aspect to prepare a team to develop. This requires the blueprint or as the industry dicates, a storyboard.

The Storyboard

Storyboards are often neglected in the instructional design world and bypassed for direct developement. There is nothing wrong with this strategy and plenty of models that support it. This isn't me and I won't be involved with these projects due to the lessening of quality. However, this strategy can be cost effective if done correctly with a mid level instructional designer. Below is an example of a template that can be used for a storyboard that I feel comfortable pushing off to a team of professionals. For my storyboards, I will create a visual sketch for UX, graphic designers, video creation talent, animation, and motion graphics profesionals to revise, a script for writers to revise and voice over talent to record, educational theories followed for the section of learning, and boundaries for all parties involved to ensure educational guideline adeherence.


I have been trained in and learned an extensive list of tools during my career from Articulate 360 to the Adobe Suite to Camtasia and everything in between. If the company need is for me to develop deliverables, I have that ability for almost any tool that has been created. However, my biggest value in this departement would be guiding and mentoring entry level to mid level instructional designers and elearning developers to becoming stronger. Take a look at my personal projects page for examples of projects I am working on at the moment to keep my skills fresh and have a little fun!